Thursday, November 20, 2008

been awhile

Sorry i haven't been around lately but i've been super busy with work. My little company is just growing so fast it makes my head spin. I sometimes feel like i'm in over my head and very very overwhelmed. I thank God for my mom. She's super and seems like she can handle anything. We are hiring someone to do our billing so that will free up some days for both mom and i. i'm looking forward to that. I've haven't been doing so well with my "diet", so i haven't lost anymore but i haven't gained either. Not real sure how that's happened?!?! I hope to get back into the swing of things first of next week. I'd make it sooner but notes are due Monday morning and i HATE paperwork (bet ya never heard me say that before)! But without it I don't get paid. While i truely do love what i do, i can't do it for free.

The new kitten somehow crawled into the heat register last night and from that made it into the crawl-space under the house(the 10 inches or so that's pure insulation). We had to make a hole in the dinning room floor get her out. That's just something else to stress over. I really wanted to kill her but she's just so darn cute and the doggies love to play with her. She's funner than "pink elephant" and it squeaks.

I hope everyone is doing a great job and not stressing. Keep up all the great work.


~closed~ said...

Thanks for checking in. I hope things settle a bit for you, but it's good news about your business growing!

Spillin' the truth said...

Glad to see you posting. Can't wait to see you losing again!! :-D

Pamela said...

I'm glad your business seems to be doing well if it's growing that fast! I would say that maintaining your weight and not gaining is a major accomplishment to be proud of - especially with all of the stress you're under!

Kimberly said...

I have to agree with Pamela, maintaining weight loss is the end goal and if we can do that even in stressful times along the path then that is a major victory!

Unknown said...

sorry about all the little stressors. i have some right now and they seem to add up to one big one..glad you are doing well