Loved the video! Was cool to see you not just read what you had to say!! Keep them up!! I always have great intentions of doing more videos but just never seem to get them done lol.
Welcome to my new blog. I've set up this blog in hopes that i will be selected to be a brand ambassador for Orthaheel. My name is Wendi, I am 38 years old. I have been married for 17 years and we have a 16 year old daughter. I own and run a staffing agency so I spend alot of time at my desk, since I have a desk job I don't get much exercise and am determinded to change that. One way or another.
Every relationship in your life is a current moving you toward your dreams or away from them. Not all friendships should be given the same value. You must recognize which ones are making deposits into your life and which ones are making withdrawals. Which ones increase you and which ones decrease you. Which ones feed you and which ones feed off of you. There are four types of people in your life: those who add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Your responsibility is to get away from those who are constantly criticizing, whining and complaining. Get close to those who add and multiply to your life, those who support you,encourage you, pray for you, coach you and even correct you. Avoid relationships with those who do not discern your worth.
brush my teeth (who wants to eat with freshly brushed teeth?)
call someone
CATCH UP ON MY PAPERWORK! (I really should be doing this anyway)
clean or organize something (I can get so caught up in getting something just right i forget about food)
clean out the birdbaths (I'll have the cleanest birdbaths in NE FL)
drink water (this is suppose to make me feel full anyway)
go lay in the hammock (this is so relaxing)
meditation or devotions
paint my nails (can't do anything, including eating, with wet nails)
play with the doggies (my babies are so full of energy!)
read (not my favorite thing to do)
sew ( I LOVE to sew, i could sit at my sewing table for hours and hours)
surf the net
sweep my porch (the leaves constantly are falling)
take a walk (and its good exercise)
Nonscale goals
- Someone notices there's less of me - I can cross my legs - My clothes fit me differently - I won't have heart burn EVERYDAY - My back won't hurt after walking only 5 minutes - I can wear my wedding band again - The seat belt doesn't lock everytime i put it on
(I will add more as i discover them)
Reasons to drink water
Women who drInk more than five glasses of water a day are 41% less likely to die from a heart attack.
Water is necessary for your body to digest and absorb vitamins and nutrients
Water is a natural appetite suppressant
Water detoxifies the liver and kidneys
Water carries away waste from the body
Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers
One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pains for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University study
Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue
The brain is 74% water
Muscles are 75% water
Bone is 22% water
Blood is 83% water
Almost 2/3rds of our body weight is "water weight"
A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen
. . . Remove Toxins & Waste Products from your body
. . . Reduce Headaches and Dizziness
. . . Keep Skin Healthy and Glowing
. . . Increase Your Mental and Physical Performance
ok video blogging does sound fun!
that IS very cool! im just getting the hang of the old fashioned blogging :^D
Loved the video! Was cool to see you not just read what you had to say!! Keep them up!! I always have great intentions of doing more videos but just never seem to get them done lol.
Have a wonderful week!
im waiting on my wendi fix!
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