Monday, January 14, 2008

today wasn't so good food wise, i overdid it quite a bit. I was home all day and of course got bored. I was trying to get some paperwork done and get a little organization going on. I had an interview at 5pm which went well i think but honestly i don't even know if i have the time that this person would require. That was the only time i left the house today. It was nice to spend the day at home with my daughter, i sometimes feel like i don't see her enough. She's outta school Friday and we have made plans for skating on Thursday night and her dad and i will take her to the movies Friday. I have a full day tomorrow so i will have to take my bag so i don't overdo it again.
My cat, yellson, has been especially needy today, maybe he knows that i need extra kitty love but i just wish he'd get off my key board while I'm typing. He's an only kitty again, if he gets bored he can always play with the dog.


The Fat Foreigner said...

I knwo your pain, bordom eating is one of the worst things for me!

Felicia said...

Stopping by to drop of "have a super week" wishes to you!!

Remember you can do this!! You are WORTH doing it for!

Felicia =0)

Lidian said...

It's Ok Wendi, you are going through a really tough time right now so just try and do the best you can each day, don't worry, you will get back on track.

I know that the 'only' kitty in that situation does feel more needy - happened to us too, and I KNOW I could not have dieted during that time. Hugs to you -

Chubby Chick said...

I hope you have a great week! :)

Curly said...

Boredom is bad stuff for those of us who tend to stuff our faces! I'm getting much better, but I sometimes eat things I don't even like when I get bored.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with your weight loss goals. I look forward to checking in with you!